We built Logic Closet to be a logical solution for highly regulated industries. Which makes this perfect for just about every industry.
Highly Regulated Industries
Highly regulated industries are always going to need to backup and secure their marketing material, packaging, lab tests, seed to sale tracking info and much more.
Use Logic Closet to save time and money. Less time spent looking for files and updating permissions in your shared Google Drive or Dropbox, means more time selling.
Content Creators & Influencers
Content creators, influencers and brand sponsors now have a way for them to watermark their work, save all their video, reels, and other footage and share their content the way they want to.
Earn more by submitting 4k quality while retaining ownership of all your work.
E-Commerce Brands
Do you really trust your retail partners to take the best photos of your product? Do you have time to wait for the photo studio to shoot, edit and upload your images?
Do you want the best visual quality representation of your brand?
Choose Logic Closet.